vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

A Clockwork Orange


I'm singing in the rain/Just singing in the rain/What a glorious feelin'/I'm happy again/

I'm laughing at clouds/So dark up above/The sun's in my heart/And I'm ready for love [...]

For a very long time I couldn't re-watch A Clockwork Orange (CO) because of the violence in it. Also, another loss, if I may call it thus, I couldn't listen to Singin' in the rain without thinking of the violent scenes in CO. I guess I was conditioned as Alex had been with the "Ludwig Van"'s [as he calls very familiarly Beethoven] 9th. For some months now I have begun to associate Singin' in the rain with another recollection and 2 days ago I saw Singin' in the rain and enjoyed it.

Feeling I was completely cured, I succumbed to my desire to re-watch A Clockwork Orange tonight. (I know, a perfect choice for the Christmas night!) And what a "feast" it has been!

I think I'll listen to some Beethoven now! The 4th movement of the 9th, I reckon.

PS: Even the doorbell sounds Beethoven like in this movie...very smart the idiosyncrasy violence-classical music...a million years' guess!

PS2: As an anti-violence art piece, I feel that CO is far better than Natural
Born Killers, much smarter and sick...And I guess is not only anti-violence but also pro-classical formation and not so much into pop art (which is all around in the film)...sorry for speakin' so bluntly in pros and cons.

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